We are experiencing unusual times in our country and around the world. As the outbreak of COVID-19 is unfolding, our dental offices are putting into place additional measures to help prevent the spread and keep our patients and office staff as protected as possible.

We recognize that the COVID-19 virus has required all of us to be more mindful as we go through our regular activities. Daily, all our dental offices are working to ensure that we meet the latest guidance from the CDC and WHO on hygiene and cleaning. Our Dental Office health and safety measures are designed to address a broad spectrum of viruses, including COVID-19, and cover everything from hand washing hygiene and cleaning product specifications to dental chairs and waiting area cleaning procedures. Specific steps we are taking as a company include:

We will be removing all books and toys from our waiting room and exam rooms, as well as distancing chairs further apart in our waiting room to create more space. Our dental chairs will be thoroughly cleaned between each visit and the reception desk and the waiting room will also be cleaned regularly throughput the day. To reduce the number of people in the office, we would like to ask you not to bring other siblings or relatives to the office unless necessary.

Most people (~80%) with COVID-19, as with other respiratory viruses, will overall have mild symptoms that can be managed at home without seeing a doctor. We encourage supportive care measures such as resting, drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, and using over-the-counter fever reducers to help manage the fever. If you are concerned about difficulty breathing or dehydration, please call your medical doctor immediately

Additionally, now that schools are being closed for an extended period to help reduce the community spread of COVID-19, please keep in mind that continuing to practice what is now being called "social distancing" is very important to help prevent the spread of this virus. It would be wise to avoid all activities that involve larger groups of people getting together in contained spaces. Please continue to practice good hygiene like washing your hands frequently, not touching your face, and covering your coughs and sneezes. If you feel sick, you should stay at home. Please encourage others to do the same.

We know this is a very challenging time for everyone and are here to assist your family as best as we can. Thank you in advance for your cooperation as we make necessary changes to keep all of our patients and families as safe as possible at this time. Please stay tuned for further email and updates on our website as recommendations continue to change on a regular basis.
Sincerely, The Dentists and staff at Two Rivers Dental.

Our Contact Information:

Two Rivers Dental
1196 W Boughton Rd, Suite J
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
(630) 759-9929